Wednesday, June 2, 2010

I thought maybe I should update a bit...

Ahlyssa turned 16 months old a few days ago...
(the picture is blurry because it's pretty much impossible to get her to stand still for picture now)

-she is doing all sorts of fun things.
-She can pretty much communicate to me what she wants or needs (which is so nice)
-She LOVES to be outside
-Throwing temper tantrums when she doesn't get what she wants
-She has learned that she can take the cushions off the couch to climb onto the couch
-She knows what a "doggie" says. She are working on other animals.
-Hates having her hair done, but LOVES when we stoke it
-Likes to help put dishes away, make the beds, fold laundry, and surprisingly..put toys away....I'll take it while it last!
-Says: dada, mama, thank you (this is so clear its crazy), won't say more but will do sign language, no, duck, kitty, dog, ruff, quack, baby, book, bath, drink, this, bye bye, hug, ball, yogurt, I like it, Love you
-Starting to run...its so funny!

Brian and I went to Myrtle Beach for about 5 days and it was SO NICE. We miss Ahlyssa like C. R.A.Z.Y. though.

We are moving at the end of June. I am so sad to leave my little apartment that Brian and I made our home and brought our little bundle of joy to. I am excited though to GET OUT OF THIS AREA! We live in the uptown ghetto. We will be moving into Brian's parent's house for 3 months and then moving to Pickerington. I will be quitting my job for that time period and will start back there when we come back. Brian will get to QUIT the paper route and only have ONE job. I think since Brian and I have been married one of us has had a second job so it will be so nice to have a somewhat normal schedule. At least I will have him in the middle of the night again! <3>

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