Tuesday, February 2, 2010

The Buried Life

I have become a fan of this show. I try not to watch MTV because most of the stuff on that channel is absolutely disgusting but I have come to really like "The Buried Life". Yes, the guys on there are a little goofy but they can really give me a chuckle.
If you haven't seen the show, they have a list of a 100 things they want to do before they die. Each one they accomplish and can cross off they go around and ask strangers what they want to do before they die. They then help them accomplish that goal for that particular stranger. At the end of the each show they have a few people talking about what they want to do and it got me thinking. "Oh man that's easy. I totally know what I would want." Then I got to thinking, and I cannot come up with anything. I mean obviously I want to have more children and see them have children. I want to help others. I want to get my bachelors and master's degree. I want to get out of debt including car and school loans. But some of the things on these guys list are like Make A Toast At A Strangers Wedding or Dance With Ellen DeGeneres--things of that nature. So my question to you is:

What do you want to do before you die?

leave a comment because I am really interested.


Amy said...

I have list of things I want to do before I'm 50. One of those things is to take a cross country motorcycle trip with Tyler.

Unknown said...

Get our own house, mostly! But a "bigger" dream I guess would be to get off my butt and become a published writer... someday. I don't care if it's a book or just some articles or something.

Diane said...

I want to see King James play in person close enough that I can really see him...not way up in the nose bleeds. Lots of other stuff, but this one is the strangest but best too!

J & M Squared said...

I really want to go to Hawaii!