Tuesday, January 8, 2013

What's New?

Just thought since we didn't do a Christmas/New Year's card that I'd just say what's new here.

Brian is still working at Kenworth and doing well very.  The management really see him as an asset which is great. He is a such a hard worker and I think he really enjoys the guys he works with.  He is Elders Quorum president and doing a great job.  He has great counselors that are always willing to step up since Brian's and my own calling sort of conflict sometimes.

I am staying at home with the munchkins.  Some days its rough.  But most of the time I wouldn't trade it...okay maybe the night shift...hate it.  I will be starting school on the 14th and taking 2 classes online.  I am first counselor in the Young Women's and with the new curriculum, I am excited to see the impact it will crate on all of us! 

I updated Ahlyssa and Paige below so scroll below to read about them.

1 comment:

Risa West said...

too funny... we have the exact same callings over here!