Friday, June 29, 2012

The Blessings and Power of Prayer

I didn't mention this in the story of how Paige came into this world and I want to remember it.

I had many blessings and many prayers offered during my pregnancy.  The pregnancy was something so different than what I had experienced with Ahlyssa.  During the labor we had another very deep earnest prayer to our Heavenly Father.

Because the epidural didn't work, as you can imagine I was in so much pain.  I never knew that's how much it hurt.  I figured I was getting an epidural so I never paid much attention to the breathing techniques that they teach.  I recommend anyone expecting "expecting" to get an epidural, pay attention to the breathing techniques and practice them.  I had no clue to how to tolerate that much pain.  I was getting to a point where I couldn't control my breathing.  Brian leaned in and asked, "Babe, what can I do for you?"  I answered barely audible, "Pray."  He say a prayer by the bedside as we were alone and it was quiet and asked that I could get through it and be able to handle the intense labor.  I honestly thought I couldn't do it. 

Heavenly Father is always there and always listening.  Not much longer after Brian said that prayer, I was getting prepared to deliver Paige.  As I was pushing I was so determined to get her out to end the pain.  I know that Heavenly Father helped me focus and get my breathing under control to be able to deliver Paige.  I am so grateful that I can call upon Heavenly Father anytime and all of the time in my case. 

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