Tuesday, December 29, 2009

11 months

11 MONTHS-love following anyone into the bathroom or closet
-hate the vaccum and hairdryer
-will walk along/with things
-will stand for a couple seconds alone
-can't have dairy products AT ALL as of right now, possibly could be allergic
-talk gibberish
-will mimic anything we DO but won't SAY the things we say
-love all kinds of different foods
-love the shopping cart that drandma care got you (yes Drandma)
-love being around other kiddies
-love waving bye bye to daddy in the mornings
-will head bunt if we put our head to yours
-get jealous when mom and dad hold other kids
-can totally hold your own
-you and casen "fight" actually quite funny to watch
-finally starting to warm up to people
we love you baby girl.

1 comment:

Alli said...

Has eleven months gone by already. Goodness, me! She is getting so big. I can't believe she can stand up by herself for a few second. Awesome!

Miss you!